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Random Thoughts about Hurt

4 years ago|3 minute read

Hurting people hurt people. We hurt people and we are hurt by people -- sometimes daily! Dr. Jo has some random thoughts on different issues like anxiety, anger, broken relationships, hurt, marriage problems, addictions, and fear that are at the root of relationship issues. People also NEED people during times of struggle for help, hope, prayer and safety. Feel free to contact Dr. Jo if you are in need of some support.

Christian Counseling from the Comfort of Your Home or Office

10 years ago|1 minute read

Today, it is easier than ever to reach out for Christian Counseling services. Dr. Jo offers the ease of counseling online using SKYPE, Google technology or counseling in a friendly, live chat/email format. Additionally, many counselees prefer staying at home or work and calling Dr. Jo on the phone. This is especially preferred now that gas prices are so high, child care can be difficult to afford or arrange, and work/school schedules make appointment times difficult to arrange.

Grief – American Bible Society Interview With Dr. Jo Clifford, July 2014

10 years ago|4 minute read

In the span of a few days, Dr. Jo Clifford’s life was changed forever. Her son committed suicide and she was fired from her job two weeks after that. She went into a closet, shut the door and wept. But something unexpected happened: she met God there, in a space stuffed with shoes, shirts, pants and belts. Dr. Clifford felt God’s presence, and she knew He grieved with her. A devout Christian, she believed the Lord would take her awful circumstances and use them for His good. She had no idea how. But something in her heart and soul stirred.