Christian Counseling from the Comfort of Your Home or Office

1 minute read

Today, it is easier than ever to reach out for Christian Counseling services. Dr. Jo offers the ease of counseling online using SKYPE, Google technology or counseling in a friendly, live chat/email format. Additionally, many counselees prefer staying at home or work and calling Dr. Jo on the phone. This is especially preferred now that gas prices are so high, child care can be difficult to afford or arrange, and work/school schedules make appointment times difficult to arrange.

Dr. Jo is very flexible in arranging appointment times. Since many clients located in places around the world with many different time differences, Dr. Jo is very accommodating to meet with clients at all times of the day or evening. Appointments are scheduled immediately upon referral, especially if clients are in crisis or anxious to get started with counseling sessions.

Get started now – contact us now for an appointment. It’s easy, it’s confidential, it’s effective. What are you waiting for?

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