Pastoral Counseling

Pastoral counseling provides Biblical options and strategies for working through life’s challenges. Whatever you are struggling with, be it small or large, Dr. Jo will work with you to quickly resolve your issue by discovering God’s best plan for you.

Using temperament theory and therapy, Dr. Jo will help you to use your strengths to navigate through the ups and downs of relationships and problems.  Self-understanding promotes insight and better life choices.

The temperament assessment (Arno Profile System) takes about five to ten minutes to complete and the results will forever positively impact your life!  It helps cut right to the core of conflict as it describes your needs and temperament traits.If what you need is unmet, you will experience emotional distress and feel hopeless or discouraged.  Learn what you need to feel more enthusiastic and energized in your life.

Pastoral counseling works!  One session a year may help reduce your incidences of illness.  Take care of yourself spiritually and emotionally just like you do physically.

Online counseling makes it easy – you never have to leave home to get the help and support you need.